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An innovative approach to make intercultural learning more welcoming

HE4u2 intends to make teaching and learning in HE more diverse, responsive and competitive by integrating inclusive pedagogies into existing curricula. This would mediate obstacles for learners from migrant and culturally diverse backgrounds and value their contribution to the intercultural dimension for all learners.
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Our objectives

Why is cultural diversity training necessary?

Higher Education teachers are too often lacking in adequate intercultural skills that would enable them to understand and address the needs of learners with migrant backgrounds and to mobilise the experience of these students for the benefit of all students. HE4u2 will offer teachers involved in the development of new curricula and in the design of new courses access to a Continuing Professional Development course which will equip them with skills to create and authentic intercultural space, offer appropriate mentoring and support specific learners in their individual and group needs.

Non-academic staff in HE institutions connected to learners of migrant background (e.g. counsellors, advisors, administrators, etc.) would also benefit from this course in their day-to-day work.

The course is ready now! Visit the "Outputs" section of this website

Some Fun Facts About Us


Transnational activities


different EU countries’ perspectives


curricula adapted


cases of best practice collected


pieces of literature available


questionnaires analysed

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