Open events

bruseles eucen open events


Consultation activities

Online, 15 March 2018, 15:00 CET | This activity was open to university staff working with students with cultural diverse background. The objective was to present the first draft of the policy paper and to discuss its content with the participants. The full recordings of the consultation can be accessed here

Brussels, 26 April 2018, 09:00 CET | This event was organised with the collaboration of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and opened to key stakeholders from Europe. The objective was to present the revised draft policy paper to the participants and to discuss the findings, the recommendations made and the way of using it at national and also at European levels. Presentations: Intro Françoise de VironPresentation Dana SamsonPresentation Waed Al KuteifanPresentation Katharina ReschPresentation Amandine Bernal


Final Learning Symposium

Barcelona, 15 November 2018 | This event was opened to the general public, with special emphasis on teachers and administrators of HEIs. The event  allowed participants to learn about the project and its outcomes. More information can be found here.

eucen open events barcelona