


Migrants and Higher Education in Ireland│Lenehan, M and E. Hogan 2008│CIT Press: Cork

Report based on research with employers, admission and access staff and students in Irish HEIs about barriers faced by migrant students in Ireland. Findings identified include Rights and Entitlesment, Language Competency, Recognition of International Qualifications and Prior Learning, and Fees information and Entitlements

Drifting identity in the global era? Polish students in Irish Higher Education│Sobiesiak, Kamila Magdalena (2012)│PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.

My research project began with a desire to examine in detail the educational aspects of globalization and European integration in the context of young Poles in Higher Education in Ireland and their sense of life stability and localization in the contemporary world. Research Focus The study explores the motivations, experiences and perspectives of young Poles entering higher education in Ireland. They undertake journeys which are not just actions pointed toward entering the HE and getting the diploma, they are embedded in a complex, rich world of meanings and experiences of individuals and their lives, which create a unique context for each student’s learning identity. The leading theme is transition process perceived from different angles: the transition from one university to another, from one country to another, the re-negotiation of the self and learning identity.
Drawing upon data collected as part of a research project exploring diversity in Irish higher education, this article focuses on the relational realm of underrepresented students’ experiences.  The article explores a number of interrelated findings with regard to the relationships experienced by these undergraduates, both with other students and with their external friends and acquaintances. Friction was evident in the accounts of the respondents and this article argues that an increased focus on the relational is required by institutions, given the central role played by the social experience in the retention of students in higher education. Further, it is argued that education for diversity and inclusion be incorporated as an explicit and integrated component in all higher education curricula in order to foster mutual understanding and respect between student groups, within the broader educational community and ultimately in the wider society.
A study on how internationalt students in Turku, Finland integrate and why they stay or leave Turku.

Os estudantes angolanos do ensino superiorem Lisboa: uma perspetiva antropológica sobre as suas motivações e bem-estar subjetivo/Angolan students in Lisbon’s universities: An anthropological overview of their motivations and subjective well-being│António, M. (2013)│Análise Social, 208, xlviii (3.º).

This paper presents an anthropological analysis of well-being of students from Angola in Lisbon’s universities. An exploratory study was made with the use of interviews. The article analyzes the relationship between motivations and subjective well-being, while taking into consideration the social and economic condition of these immigrants. Results show that well-being is influenced by contextual factors, identity affirmation and economic situation of these students. Emotional and identity strategies are mobilized by them in order to maintain well-being and affirm their individual and group identity.