

Internationalization and diversity management are among the most prominent key areas of higher education policies, meant to broadcast an institution’s appeal and innovative capacity against the backdrop of globalization and expanded access to tertiary education. The paper traces phases of the debate on internationalization and diversity management, highlighting the role of digital technology for internalization as well as the need of opening up curricula to appeal to a diverse student body.
At the core of this text is the design of intercultural learning in schools and institutions of higher education which aims at recognizing and appreciating difference. The authors elaborate how to train educators to develop diversity competence and how to integrate diversity in (higher education) didactics and curricula

Diversitätssensible Evaluation individueller und organisationaler Differenzen in der universitären Lehre. Translation: “Evaluation practices sensible to diversity – individual and organizational differences in teaching at universities.”│Bonnes, Maiken and René Breiwe. 2015│In Heterogenität der Studierenden: Herausforderung für die Qualitätsentwicklung in Studium und Lehre, neuer Fokus für die Evaluation? Ed. by Susan Harris Huemmert et al., 81-112. Bielefeld: UVW.

Bonnes and Breiwe weigh the respective potential of standardized and non-standardized forms of evaluating lectures. The authors conceptually develop evaluation practices sensible to diversity while at the same time discussing practical experiences using the example of a pilot project.

Gender-und diversity-gerechte Didaktik an Hochschulen: ein intersektionaler Ansatz. Translation: “Didactics for meeting gender and diversity in higher education: an intersectional approach.”│Czollek, Leah Carola and Gudrun Perko, 2012│In Universität in Zeiten von Bologna. Zur Theorie und Praxis von Lehr- und Lernkulturen. Ed. by Brigitte Kossek and Charlotte Zwiauer, 203-227. Vienna: Vienna University Press.

In this paper didactics oriented towards gender and diversity equality in institutions of higher education are outlined. The approach presented was devised on the basis of practical training concepts for universities and providers of adult education. Stressing the interconnectedness of teaching, training and didactics with the institutional setting they are conducted in, Czollek and Perko encourage higher education institutions to interrogate their specific aims and goals for implementing diversity. The authors argue for professionalizing teaching through reflecting on appreciative, just forms of dealing with diversity and increasing expertise on inclusive didactics. To this end, they develop checklists for implementing gender- and diversity sensitive teaching on an individual, an institutional and a cultural level.

Diversitätsgerecht Lehren und Lernen. Translation: “Living up to diversity in teaching and learning.”│Linde, Frank and Nicole Auferkorte-Michaelis, 2014│In CSR und Diversity Management. Ed. by Katrin Hansen, 137-175. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.

Diversity oriented didactics are addressed as element of the social responsibility of universities. Thereby four areas of interest are identified: teaching and learning, testing, counselling students and curriculum design. Moreover, attention is placed on diversity of educators which also informs processes of student learning. The authors argue that instead of trying to accommodate students with ‘special needs’, institutions of higher education should initiate substantial organizational transformation that touches educational content and styles of delivery on a general level.

Social Justice in der Lehre. Herausforderungen vor dem Hintergrund des Bologna-Prozesses. Translation: “Social justice in teaching. Challenges against the backdrop of the Bologna process.”│Perko, Gudrun. 2012│In Universität in Zeiten von Bologna. Zur Theorie und Praxis von Lehr- und Lernkulturen. Ed. by Brigitte Kossek and Charlotte Zwiauer, 243-254. Vienna: Vienna University Press

The article presents a social justice approach – how to embed participative justice of distribution and recognition within teaching. It thereby interrogates the meanings of social justice, diversity and intersectionality and how they may translate into teaching in higher education.

Von der Bedeutung und der Möglichkeit einer ungleichheitssensiblen. Translation: “Meaning and possibilities of being sensible to inequalities in higher education teaching.”│Rheinländer, Kathrin. 2015│In Ungleichheitssensible Hochschullehre. Positionen, Voraussetzungen, Perspektiven. Ed. by Kathrin Rheinländer, 47-69. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

In the wake of the Bologna process and other policy measures teaching in higher education has moved to the centre of attention – orientation towards competences and student-centred didactics, diversity management and internationalization as well as quality assurance being some of the recent challenges posed to the realm of teaching. These new tasks influence organizational processes, interactional routines, professional image and systems of knowledge. While these processes are inducing a further professionalization of teaching, they also establish a need for new approaches within higher education didactics.
Focusing on how diversity issues are addressed in adult education study programs the authors argue that diversity needs to be viewed as cross-sectional task. Instead of teaching it as singluar special issue its potential needs to be explored on all levels, especially since students of adult education study not primarily to engage in academic careers but to lead professional lives in diverse occupational settings.

Zur Vorbereitung interkultureller Trainings. Translation: “Preprating intercultural trainings.”│Strewe, Bettina. 2010│In Schlüsselqualifikation Interkulturelle Kommunikation an Hochschulen. Grundlagen, Konzepte, Methoden. Ed. by Gundula Gwenn Hiller and Stefanie Vogler-Lipp, 73-86. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Building on a lack of standards and common methodology (didactical concepts, methods, exercises) within intercultural trainings that are growingly offered by educational institutions for teaching and administrative staff, the article introduces key elements for preparing intercultural trainings in continuing education on a very practical level but also incorporating didactical considerations.

«Nice to Meet You!» – About the Combination of Teaching Literature and Acquiring Intercultural Competence in the Context of Higher Education: Theoretical Assumptions and Models of Course Design│Thielsch, Angelika. 2010│ In Kompetenzen – Interdisziplinäre Rahmen/Competences – Interdisciplinary Framworks. Ed. by Barbara Schröttner and Christian Hofer, 113-125. Graz: Leykam Universitätsverlag.

Today’s European higher education system is intrinsically tied to the student’s obligation to acquire different key competencies. In higher education there are two prominent ways to give students access to key competences: integrated into the content of teaching or via additive trainings. The article shows that teaching literature provides multiple ways to enhance a person’s intercultural competence. At the same time it offers university teachers exemplary approaches to integrate this particular ‘learning outcome’ in their course design by using methods like the analysis of cultural exchange.
HE teaching in a multucultural surrounding. Important study with recommandations
Important texts on diversity in teaching and study. Opening the access of HEI
Diversity Management and specifically cultural and ethnic diversity
Organisation of differences. Diversity between human ressource and anti-discrimination
Project report on anti-discrimination and diversity in HE
Focus are the specific problems of lecturers and international students with academic writing in HE