CPD Course for Higher Education staff

The HE4u2 consortium is happy to share the latest project output: the generic CPD course structure for higher education (HE) staff working with migrant and ethnic minorities.

This tool is designed to be used as training for academic and non-academic staff members of HEIs (i.e. lecturers, mentors, trainers, administrative staff, etc.) who work directly with students with a migrant or ethnic minority background. It intends to give the reader insights and examples on how to facilitate inclusive teaching and learning in the higher education.

The document is based on the designing and piloting of a Continuing Professional Development Course (CPDC) which was tested in the seven partner universities of the HE4u2 project. Its added value of our generic course structure: it can be adapted to any institutional, regional or national environment!

The CPD course is also available in French and German.